Sunday, September 7, 2014

A breeze that I am, does it belong somewhere?


A breeze that I am, does it belong somewhere?
You may find me here, there, or just anywhere
Listen to the whispers of rustling leaves in air
You will hear my voice saying I'm passing there
Then look at any grieving lady's scattering hair
I made them fly but not for teasing her I swear
I find one who's walking the tightrope of despair
Who feels lonely and is craving for love and care
You feel I am there but can't see me if you stare
But you know it's me when I wipe away your tear
I know that what you are going through isn't fair
You'll find all's well waking up after this nightmare
Hold your soulmate if you have one as it's so rare
Stay together for journey of life, that's my prayer!

By Dr. Asghar Nazeer MBBS, MPH, MHS
Saudi Arabia

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