Wednesday, August 20, 2014

This Love

This Love
So violent
So fragile
So tender
So hopeless
This Love
Beautiful like the day
Bad like the weather
When it's a bad day
This love so real
This love so beautiful
So happy
So merry
So pathetic
Like a child trembling with fear in the darkness
and so sure of itself
Like a calm man in the middle of the night
This love that scares the others
That makes them talk
That turns them pale
This love closely observed
Because we observe it
Killed trampled finished denied forgotten 
Because we killed wounded trampled finished denied forgot it
This complete love 
So live still
All radiant
It's yours
It's mine
As it was
This thing always new
which has not changed
As real as a plant
As trembling as a bird
As warm, as lively like the summer
Both of us can
Leave & come back
We can forget
And then fall asleep again
We wake up old, suffering 
We fall asleep again
To dream the death
And wake up smiling & laughing
all young
Our love is there
Stubborn like a donkey
Vigorous like the desire
Cruel like the memory
Stupid like the regrets
Soft like the memory
Cold like the marble
Pretty like the day
Delicate like a child
It looks at us smiling
It speaks to us with out a word
And I listen all shivering
And I cry
I cry for you
I cry for me
I beg 
For you for me and for all who love
and all who were loved
Yes, I cry 
For you for me and for all
Stay there
Where you are
Where you were before
Stay there
Don't move
Don't go away
We who are loved
We have forgotten you
You will never forget us
We only have you in this world
Don't let us be cold
Staying so far always
And nowhere
Give us a sign of life
Later at the edge of the woods
In the forest of memory
Give us your hand
And save us.

Translated by Jahooli Devi
French poem : Cet amour by Jacques Prévert

     (Image ©Sebastien Javelle)

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