Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Stay connected




[12:27:41 AM] : Are you there? Invisible? How many times I rang your Skype! You just don't give a rat's ass about me. I am "happy" about it. It is all my fault here. Be happy. Bye forever.

[12:27:42 AM] : You don't have to go offline whenever I come, you can delete me simply. 
I saw you twice here , and you go off line. 
 I feel like an idiot. Yet, I dont scold you because it's my fault that I wait for your highness to appear on Skype, the guy that consider as "my guy" in my imaginary world! And he does not have any idea whether I exist or not.  Now your line is busy or what? Who is calling you on Skype? How many friends on the list? 
Oh no, its not fiction this time. I am angry about myself  because I only talk to you, not even to my enemies, not much to family because I love you, I think about you 24/7 & I can't help feeling like an idiot now. It is such a good feeling a guy can give to a girl. And here is a bunch of roses for that.Thank you Darling, indeed! 

You can't type atleast two letters of " HI". I dont like what I do here now, hurting you because I am hurt. You don't know how to love or you don't want to love me. Yeah,  I am your call girl, me call girl, every body's call girl. I want attention, thats all I want and If I am taken for granted where is love there.
Well, I always justify you, he is busy, he is tired, he has friends, he needs rest, he does not like to chat, he does not like to mail, he does not like to love much . 

Guys, dont like women yelling at them, I am not yelling at you here, I am just typing calmly what I think right now. You are great, good looking, intelligent but underneath if you don't have love and care for me, even if you are Brad Pitt, I don't want you. It is not nice this feeling. I am sorry but I am angry with you for not writing to me for one whole week. Again, my energy is gone wasted for caring for a big boy who does not want the care actually, if I can adopt a kid one day, life would be more easy because the baby will listen to me. Now, delete me from Skype because you dont want to talk to me but to others.  Dear sir, I am not very happy. Ok, Thats all.  

[12:39:06 AM] : What made you behave like this? I know bitches must have hurt you in the past, it does not mean you should stay like a stone. Or is it just with me? You are not a stone, you can't be, I want you to be natural & warm.

[12:50:23 AM] : Now, I am so sad of what I typed to my baby, but I don't remove the message, I leave it so that you will see how I feel. Don't get hurt, please try to laugh at it thinking it is a story. Hugs, because you are a baby 

[1:10:17 AM] : It is not harmful for your image if you write a word to me, it shows you care, You dont have to ask how I am doing, you can type something about you, so I am happy to know something about you, baby. I was wondering whether I am superficial , that new generation try to love from skype or face book. I dnt have mania to change relationship status on face book. Whatevr the medias people use, it is to stay close to the loved ones. 

 Darling, I dnt have any words, I am angry & upset. Finally, let's call its the effect of periods. I just want to hold you tight, no you are not there, not even on internet, on a Sunday. He is at war! Saving the world! I can not be sweet alway when you behave like this, I am not faking sweetness, most of the time I am sweet to you, thinking about the good things, but people are not perfect. You neither, if we dont criticize ourselves, there is no room for improvement. 
This is not a thesis, just a  way of life. Ok, I cried enough now, have a good night & I still can tell you that I love you or whatever the words, that if you are next me now, I still can give you a hug even if you have ignored me alot. Because I am stupid. Here is my kiss to the hotty hot screen  



[14:10:17 PM] : How are you, My Love? Kiss. 

By Jahooli Devi

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